We’re pleased to offer a secure signature solution for your business or organization in need of an authentic, convenient and legally-binding digital waiver service. If…
Are gym waivers and fitness liability waivers effective at protecting your business from lawsuits? Chances are you’ve seen stories of egregious lawsuits against fitness professionals…
Any lifeguard will tell you that while pools are fun, there are dangers associated with swimming that need to be respected. Swimming pool accidents from…
When running an outdoor adventure company, the last thing you want is to stand around handing out waivers and clipboards. In our litigious society, waivers…
With its graceful and meditative movements, yoga may seem like a risk-free exercise. However, injuries can happen, and for students who assumed that yoga was…
Waivers are only useful when they’re enforceable. Learn about mistakes that could render your release of liability waiver useless, and how to avoid them.