How to Make a Fillable Form on Your…

Making a fillable form, legal waiver or PDF on your phone is easy. With the right online waiver and form builder, it can take you…

How to Get More Reviews with Emails

As a business owner, you know that online reviews are essential. They help potential customers learn more about your business and help them decide if…

Everything You Need to Know When Renting Your…

Picture this: you’re at a friend’s wedding, and the night is winding down. You and your friends head to the photo booth to snap some…

Risk Management in the Fitness Industry

No one ever said that owning a fitness club was without risk. From slips and falls to faulty equipment, there are many ways that things…

Who is Liable in a Bungee Jumping Accident?

Bungee jumping is a thrilling activity that can provide an adrenaline rush like no other. But, before you take the plunge as a bungee jumping…

Protect your Salon with a Hold Harmless Waiver

Regardless of what business you’re in, there’s always a risk. For salons, that risk can come from a variety of places – from slips and…

Is Your Summer Camp Protected from Liability?

Summer is an excellent time for children to get out and explore new things. It’s also when parents are looking for summer camps to send…

Safety at the Gym: Everything You Need to…

As an owner of a gym, you take on a lot of responsibility. It comes with several risks, from equipment malfunctions to accidents on the…

How to Protect Your Dance Studio From Liability

As a dance studio owner, you want to keep your dancers safe while training and performing. But did you know you could be liable for…

Our Guide to Business Liability Waiver Forms for…

You may think that a business liability waiver is something only large companies need. But the truth of it is, any company can experience an…

What Rights are you Signing Away with a…

When you’re injured, the last thing you want to think about is signing paperwork. But sometimes medical waivers may be required. This can have implications…

Can You Sign a Contract with the Wrong…

What would happen if you signed a liability waiver or contract with the wrong name? This is a question many people may not know the…